Saturday, September 19, 2015


I finally updated my personal logbook, sitting down with a small stack of journey logs, a calculator and a sunset/sunrise time database, to make entries for about two and a half years worth of flights. I've never got that far behind before. I don't advise it. There's a muscle in my middle finger that hurts like I've been flipping people off all day. It's oddly nostalgic being reminded of events of that day as I copy the flight details into my logbook.


D.B. said...


It can be set to start a flight based on GPS speed, as can others, and automatically log a flight. I only use paper now for flights requiring an endorsement. You may have different requirements however north of the border.

Aviatrix said...

That looks pretty awesome, and I'd love it if it had a check in function for when a pilot goes on duty so I could demand that my pilots use it for duty time tracking--except that company policy requires that cellphones are off for the duration of a flight, except for emergencies. I've stretched the definition of "emergency" to "I have an operational need to contact an ATC agency that I can't call by radio," but I don't actually WANT my phone on through my flights. The battery would be dead at the end of the day.

I could also get away with only logging the bare minimum to show currency, but if my awesome job ever went away, I'd need to "show my logbooks" at a subsequent interview.