Discussion engendered by the photograph of a combustion heater in this post continues. I've been asked to provide more illustrations of aviation heater installations but the only one I have is by coincidence in the same airplane, two years earlier. The earlier photo was taken the same day work was being carried out on the heater, so it may not be in fully installed condition, but it looks almost exactly the same to me.
Here's the photo taken two years ago in a hangar in California.

And here's the one from last week, the same heater on the ramp in Saskatchewan.

If anyone else would like to share an aviation heater photo I can add it to the gallery.
I would, but the only plane I've flown that has a combustion heater (a 65 Travelair) has it buried on the bottom of the nose cowl. I'm really far too lazy to drive out to the airport and deal with removing all those damn screws to take a picture of it! laziness FTW!
Seems like it's electrical week again on Cockpit Conversation. Which reminds me of the issue of instrument panel dimming. How is that going?
Actually, zb, that came up at the last maintenance and the PRM said there was some reason why the dimmer function available for this unit could not be installed on our airplanes, but he couldn't remember what the exact incompatibility was.
Awww, and I still think that a soldering iron and a smallish heap of E-junk where one can salvage some standard cheapo parts from is all that might be needed for the feature. If I tried it, I would promise to do the task such that it will even get an aviation rating, all wired up properly and to the highest standards required by some readers of this blog.
Could you include WiFi, zb?
I went out to play with the dimmer switch in my PA-28-140 yesterday as it grew dusky outside. I noticed during the day that my oil temp/pres guage was unreadable without the dimmer "engaged". If you turned on the dimmer, the guage sprang to life. What is odd to me, is that it is BRIGHTER with the dimmer on, and dimmer with it off. Some kinda "not" gate was missed in the programming I suppose.
I then peek up to view the red instrument light, it's off. So with fonzy like grace I tapped the glass and it suddenly lit up. What are the odds that this light will never work after dark when I need it? You bet I'll be wearing a "headlight" for my next night flight! I'd taken some photos but my little plane has hardly any heater worth mentioning.
Pretty basic, but at least the terminals are unexposed.
Depends on whether there's WiFi readily available in the heap of e-junk.
But no promises towards an aviation rating when WiFi is included. As Viennatech sadly had to observe, a dimmer alone is peculiar enough.
"...What is odd to me, is that it is BRIGHTER with the dimmer on, and dimmer with it off. Some kinda "not" gate was missed in the programming I suppose."
Check the ammeter as you do this. When the dimmer is off, does current rise?
I guess it was snowing?
On Sunday we get a promise of cleavage and all I see is pictures of a combustion heater?
My interests are purely scientific, of course, looking for the correlation between seismic events and modes of dress.
Yeah, it was snowing. Sorry about that. I wore eyeliner, though.
I ran across this recently on a news site.
PDF of cockpit fire in an MU-2
which recently reminded me of this thread. Now, no one but Aviatrix will see this, but I thought it was odd exposed high current terminals were on the glareshield!
The people who clicked to follow the discussion will receive it too.
I have the same thing on my windshield. Have a close look at the photo that will be posted in a few days of a fuel truck, taken through my windshield. You'll see that part of the windshield is clear and the bottom is fogged up. I have my windshield heat on to clear the fog from the strip I look through.
I am a "no junk on the windshield" advocate because I hate the way it reflects up, and especially no metal objects, as they scratch the windshield. You've given me one more reason to abhor the practice.
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