Monday, December 07, 2009

New Uniform

I think it needs over-the-knee boots, what about you?

And while I'm throwing out random links, here's one that offers an explanation for the MSP overflight that makes much more sense than alien impersonation. It also shows that the captain takes full responsibility for an error initiated by the FO.


Marc C. said...

I think you are right, thigh high boots would complement that outfit perfectly. ;-)

kbq said...

Woulda looked better with green hair...

5400AirportRdSouth said...

Wow, 15 minutes late on a missed frequency and they lose their ticket.

In that light, its a totally different animal.

The fact that the flight was 35 minutes late departing, and 15 minutes late on the "oops", making a total of 50 minutes, makes the screaming headlines of " HOUR LONG DEATH FLIGHT " seem a tad off side.

I've never heard this version before, but if it can be confirmed, pretty sad state of affairs.

Sarah said...

Hinting for a Christmas present, Aviatrix? Yes, boots would be a nice touch. Seriously, that is Hallowe'en costume gold.

The article was interesting. What a pile of small mistakes which added up to a huge problem for the crew. I thought there was some exaggeration on particulars... it just didn't make sense a professional crew could be that checked out for the hour plus in the first reports. If on balance these facts are not just a pile of excuses, I hope their licenses are reinstated and the whole thing is a nasty memory in a couple years.

Aviatrix said...

Ha ha! I wouldn't complain if I got it for Christmas, but I'm a medium. You know my dream job is to be Pussy Galore from the James Bond movies right? She's a flight instructor, aerobatic performer, and corporate jet pilot with an absolutely kickass wardrobe.

(P.S. to anyone who saw what I did there: Oops. I haven't done that in years).

dpierce said...

Media spin ... Pilots Who Overshot Destination Blame Controllers

A Squared said...

5400AirportRdSouth wrote: Wow, 15 minutes late on a missed frequency and they lose their ticket.

In that light, its a totally different animal.

Huuuhhh??? You need to go back and re-read that. It wasn't "15 minutes late on a missed frequency" The last Communication with ATC was at 1756 MDT. They overflew Minneapolis at cruise altitude 1958 CDT, that's an hour and 2 minutes. They were still NORDO. They flew an additional 16 minutes before re-establishing communications at 2014 CDT. They were 150 miles past their destination at that point. This was not just a little 15 minute radio malfunction. They were out of contact for 1:16.

Chris R said...

Boots are a must!

Cirrocumulus said...

Wearing that, and green hair, you're about to walk round your airliner at -23C in a 20-knot wind. It's snowing steadily but thanks to the wind there's none on the runway.

Yeah, boots...

I'm disappointed, I really liked the alien abduction theory.