Monday, December 06, 2010

Home Safe

I'm back from Cambodia, with about a thousand photographs and a suitcase full of souvenirs, the latter of which has been left outside so the winter temperatures can kill anything laid by tropical insects before I bring it into my home. I suppose I have to weigh that strategy against the possibility of hardy Canadian insects or perhaps silk-loving moose attacking it, but I have to cope with them anyway.

You'll have pre-trip posts for a few more days before I get up to speed to blog about my experiences in Cambodia. I've come so far around the world today that I'm not sure it wouldn't have been quicker to go the other way. Here's a sneak peek to tide you over.


Capt. Schmoe said...

Welcome home Aviatrix. It's always good to go and good to get home. I am looking forward to the tales and images from your trip.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Glad to hear you made it safely home. I am looking forward as always to hear your adventures. On a side note, my checkride is finally scheduled for Dec 27.

amulbunny's random thoughts said...

So glad you are home and safe. I am sure that was a rewarding experience and can't wait to hear about your adventures, and a trip report of your flights to and from.

Unknown said...

Glad you're back, sleep well!

coreydotcom said...

when trying to name all 195 countries in the world today i missed cambodia. dang. i got to about 115 though... not bad. didnt know there were so many countries near australia.

can't wait to hear the tales

Joe said...

Welcome home. Am very much looking forward to living vicariously through your Cambodian adventures.

Frank Van Haste said...

Dear Trix:

I'm glad that you're home safe and sound, and am looking forward to the trip report.



Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Waiting to hear about the experience too!

YYC Dispatcher

kbq said...

Glad you're home safe and sound, if tired.

Thanks for the opportunity to help even a little on such a good cause!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back home. Looking forward to reading about your experiences. Enjoy the holidays and know that your appreciated in many ways. Thank you.