Sunday, January 20, 2008

Baggage Conveyor Belt

I don't have time to blog today, so I will pass on this story about an airport baggage carousel in China. I probably won't blog again for a few days.


Lord Hutton said...

Far out! Cant imagine that happening in many places.
I once got escorted airside at Heathrow to deliver a package and was then abandoned by my escort. It took ages and lots of explaining to get out again.

Anonymous said...

I had a good laught at that one....

I went through LHR only 4 hours ago.... I think if I had tried that there, I'd have men with guns running after me very quickly!

Paul B

Anonymous said...

Many years ago I was a copilot with PSA airlines in California. We arrived as the last evening's flight into San Jose, stashed our flight kits in operations and went looking for an employee's door into the main terminal. All the agents were leaving after closing out our flight. We saw someone and asked about how to get into the terminal, he said "That door over there". We went through a big strong fire door and it slammed behind us. We found ourselves in a very dark room filled with electric motors that powered all the baggage belts. This was not good. Then we found that the door behind us was locked from the outside. I had a few visions of having to spend the night in there. Eventually we discovered a narrow catwalk leading up toward the terminal. One belt was not running so we followed it and suddenly appeared in front of a lot of passengers,on the baggage carrousel with our overnight bags and acting as nonchalant as we could, strolled on out to the curbside. It was pretty embarassing, but we didn't have any other choice. Ike.

Yellowbird said...

He should have put an airplane on the conveyor belt to see if it would take off. :)

Anonymous said...

Good yarn. Great comments! Makes you want to catch a flight connecting out of China, now, doesn't it?
Reminds me of the bazaar which would emerge from the conveyer caverns at LAX from Hawaiian flights..boxes, bags, coolers..everything but a ukelele playing relative.